How to Handle His Snake, Yumi Sin, and Fit Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – In the realm of League of Legends, where champions clash and strategies intertwine, one champion stands out as a peculiar yet potent force: Yumi. With her trusty companion, Fit Kitty, by her side, Yumi embodies a unique blend of utility and damage, capable of turning the tide of battle with her ethereal abilities.

In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Yumi’s gameplay, exploring her strengths, weaknesses, and the art of mastering her snake and feline duo.

Yumi’s passive, Prowling Projectile, empowers her basic attacks with a piercing shot that deals bonus magic damage. Her Q ability, Bop ‘n’ Block, unleashes a wave of energy that damages and slows enemies, while also granting her a shield. With her W ability, You and Me!, Yumi can attach herself to an allied champion, granting them bonus adaptive force and movement speed.

Finally, her ultimate, Final Chapter, summons Fit Kitty, who unleashes a barrage of missiles upon enemy champions, dealing massive damage and granting Yumi a burst of movement speed.

Understanding Yumi Sin’s Gameplay Mechanics

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin, the Swift Sword, is a deadly assassin in League of Legends who excels at taking down high-priority targets. Her kit revolves around mobility, damage, and the ability to become untargetable, making her a formidable force in the hands of skilled players.

Passive: Doppelganger

Yumi Sin’s passive ability, Doppelganger, allows her to create a temporary copy of herself that mimics her movements and attacks. This Doppelganger can be used to confuse enemies, set up ganks, or escape dangerous situations. Additionally, if Yumi Sin attacks an enemy while her Doppelganger is active, she gains bonus movement speed and attack speed.

Q: Hiten Style

Hiten Style is Yumi Sin’s primary damage ability. It consists of three strikes that deal damage to all enemies in a line. The third strike deals bonus damage and knocks back enemies. This ability is excellent for clearing waves, harassing opponents, and initiating fights.

In the realm of reptile and feline companionship, the enigmatic Yumi Sin and the graceful Fit Kitty present unique challenges. While their playful antics can bring joy, managing their well-being requires a delicate balance. Just as insurance agents strive to enhance their productivity, so too must we seek strategies to optimize our care for our cherished pets.

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W: Wind Wall

Wind Wall is a defensive ability that creates a wall of wind that blocks all projectiles. This ability can be used to protect Yumi Sin and her allies from incoming damage, making it a valuable tool for team fights and skirmishes.

Additionally, Wind Wall can be used to trap enemies and set up kills.

E: Tempered Steel

Tempered Steel is a mobility and damage ability that allows Yumi Sin to dash forward and gain a shield. The shield absorbs a certain amount of damage, making it useful for surviving burst damage and escaping dangerous situations. Additionally, Tempered Steel deals damage to all enemies in its path, making it a versatile ability for both offense and defense.

R: Final Hour, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Final Hour is Yumi Sin’s ultimate ability, which grants her increased movement speed, attack speed, and critical strike chance. While Final Hour is active, Yumi Sin becomes untargetable and can freely move through enemy units. This ability is excellent for chasing down enemies, escaping dangerous situations, or securing kills.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Yumi Sin’s Kit


  • High mobility and burst damage
  • Untargetability during Final Hour
  • Excellent for assassinating high-priority targets


  • Squishy and vulnerable to crowd control
  • Relies on mobility and positioning to survive
  • Can be countered by champions with strong crowd control or anti-heal effects

Itemization and Rune Optimization

Optimizing your itemization and rune choices is crucial to maximizing Yumi’s potential in League of Legends. Different scenarios call for tailored item builds, and understanding the impact of runes on her gameplay is essential for successful play.


  • Core Items:

    Moonstone Renewer, Imperial Mandate, and Shurelya’s Battlesong are Yumi’s core items, providing her with sustain, damage amplification, and mobility for herself and her ADC.

  • Situational Items:

    Redemption, Mikael’s Blessing, and Ardent Censer are situational items that can enhance Yumi’s support capabilities, providing team-wide healing, crowd control removal, and bonus attack speed.

Rune Optimization

Yumi’s primary rune choice is Guardian, which provides a shield and movement speed boost to her ADC when casting an ability. Other viable runes include Aery for poke damage and Arcane Comet for burst potential.

  • Secondary Runes:

    Inspiration and Resolve are popular secondary rune paths for Yumi. Inspiration offers items like Biscuit Delivery for sustain and Magical Footwear for early mobility, while Resolve provides Guardian for increased protection.

Laning Phase Strategy and Synergies

Yumi’s laning phase strategy is heavily dependent on her ADC partner and the enemy team composition. She excels with champions who have strong early game damage or crowd control, as she can amplify their strengths and help them secure kills.

However, she can also struggle against aggressive lane opponents who can exploit her lack of mobility and self-peel.

Positioning and Timing

Yumi’s positioning and timing are crucial during the laning phase. She should always stay close to her ADC to provide them with constant heals and shields. However, she should also be careful not to get caught out by enemy ganks or engage attempts.

When attaching to her ADC, she should look for opportunities to proc her passive, Bop ‘n’ Block, which grants her ADC a shield and bonus attack speed. She can also use her Q, Piercing Arrow, to harass the enemy laners or set up kills.

Synergies with Different ADC Partners

Yumi synergizes well with a variety of ADC champions, including:

  • Caitlyn:Caitlyn’s long range and crowd control make her a great partner for Yumi. She can help Caitlyn poke down the enemy laners and secure kills with her ultimate, Ace in the Hole.
  • Jhin:Jhin’s high damage output and crowd control make him another good partner for Yumi. She can help Jhin stack his passive, Deadly Flourish, and set up kills with her ultimate, Final Hour.
  • Lucian:Lucian’s mobility and burst damage make him a great partner for Yumi. She can help Lucian chase down enemies and secure kills with her ultimate, Cataclysm.

Teamfight Positioning and Target Selection

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Yumi’s optimal positioning in team fights is crucial for her survival and effectiveness. She should prioritize staying near allies who can provide protection, such as tanks or bruisers, while also having a clear line of sight to her target. By attaching to a safe and durable ally, Yumi can maximize her damage output and minimize her chances of getting caught out.

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Target Selection

When selecting targets for her ultimate, Yumi should prioritize champions who are isolated, have low mobility, or are critical to the enemy team’s composition. She should also consider the range of her ultimate and the positioning of her allies to ensure she can safely attach to her target and cast it effectively.

Yumi’s ultimate can be a game-changer in team fights, so it’s essential to use it wisely and choose targets that will have the most impact.

Advanced Techniques and Outplays

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Maximizing Yumi’s damage output requires a combination of skill and strategic play. By utilizing her unique abilities, players can unlock her full potential and become a formidable force on the battlefield.

Maximizing Damage Output

* Proper Positioning:Yumi’s damage scales with the number of targets hit by her abilities. Position yourself carefully to maximize the number of enemies within range of your spells.


After casting a spell, quickly auto-attack to cancel the animation and follow up with another spell. This allows for faster spellcasting and increased damage output.

Ultimate Timing

Yumi’s ultimate, Final Chapter, can significantly increase her damage and survivability. Time it carefully to maximize its impact, either during team fights or to secure kills.

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Outplays and Counterplay

* Detachment Mind Games:Yumi can detach from her host and roam the map independently. Use this to your advantage by surprising enemies with unexpected attacks or scouting objectives.

Blocking Enemy Spells

Yumi’s E, Prowling Projectile, can block enemy projectiles. Use this ability strategically to protect yourself or your teammates from incoming damage.

Counterplay against Yumi

To counter Yumi, focus on isolating her from her host and targeting her first. Champions with high mobility or crowd control abilities can effectively disrupt her gameplay.

Conclusive Thoughts: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

Mastering Yumi’s kit requires a delicate balance of positioning, timing, and target selection. By understanding her strengths and weaknesses, players can effectively utilize her abilities to empower their allies, disrupt enemy formations, and secure victory. Whether you’re a seasoned League veteran or a newcomer seeking to expand your champion pool, Yumi’s unique playstyle offers a refreshing and rewarding experience.

FAQ Corner

What is Yumi’s primary role in a team?

Yumi excels as a support champion, providing utility and damage amplification to her allies.

How can I maximize Yumi’s damage output?

Focus on building items that enhance Yumi’s adaptive force and ability power, such as Luden’s Tempest or Rabadon’s Deathcap.

What are some tips for effective positioning as Yumi?

Stay close to your attached ally to maximize the range of your abilities and minimize the risk of being targeted.

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About the Author: Jason